Go-to Resources for Women of Colour

Since engaging in diversity, inclusion, and equity work, we have realized that there are few resources that are catered to women of colour and their experiences and needs, both personally and professionally. 

We know knowledge is power, but how can we gain access to tips, advice, toolkits, and studies that allow us to learn how to sustain ourselves as racialized women in white supremacist and patriarchal systems? 

Just in time for the holidays, we’ve compiled a list of go-to resources that will serve women of colour as they navigate their work, life, and future. We have included resources and links in different categories. We hope you can spend some time to cozy up this winter and check out these resources.

Illustration by Liu Liu

Books and Memoirs

These written works explore everything from career guides tailored specifically for women of colour to exploring self-care as a collective practice for marginalized individuals and communities. Give these a read!


Sometimes we don’t have time to read. Podcasts are a great way to keep up with conversations around race, gender, and identity, while having access to stories that are representative of the intersectional experiences of individuals and their communities. 

Guides and Articles  

This section offers facts and numbers to better understand the landscape in which we operate, as well as toolkits, guides, and approaches to navigating the workplace as racialized women. 

Organizations and Charities 

As women of colour, we’re facing unique challenges. But we’re also working hard to shift existing systems. The organizations below work hard to create safe spaces, ask tough questions, and create solutions. Check them out and give them a follow. 

What did we miss?

This is a work in progress. If you have any additional resources you think we should add, let us know below! Let’s work together to create a diverse and fruitful list, and amplify the voices of women of colour.

Coming up Next 

As we’re heading towards the new year (can you believe it?), we’re working on an awesome content strategy to create articles, guides, and resources that will help you navigate the workplace. Stay tuned.


A Collective Effort: Finding a Common Language for Actionable DEI


How to Set Boundaries as a Woman of Colour at Work