We want to ensure everyone feels safe, seen, and respected in our community spaces. The 7 guidelines below have been cocreated with our community members during our inaugural Quarterly Meetup, led by Sapna Agarwal in June 2024. They govern how we show up in virtual and physical spaces.
We show up with respect.
We treat all members and participants with respect and dignity and avoid language that is harmful to others, especially those from marginalized backgrounds and identities. We invite you to share your pronouns and to be aware of the intersectionality that exists in our community.
We hold ourselves and each other accountable.
We don’t always have the answers. We’re going to make mistakes, and that’s okay. We aim to practice active listening so that we can learn, unlearn, and relearn together. On our journey towards healing, we hold ourselves and those around us accountable, and work through tension mindfully.
We put our feminism into practice.
Intersectional feminism sits at the heart of Thousand&One. In our commitment to developing workplace solutions for racialized women, we aspire to bring the values of feminism into our daily practice, language, and work.
We centre joy in our day-to-day.
A lot of the work we do is heavy, and we recognize this. But in coming together to reflect and unpack the barriers that stand in our way, we will prioritize and create space for joy and play. We will celebrate our cultures, stories, and identities.
We celebrate everyone’s story.
There’s room for all of us at the table. But in working towards solutions for our collective, we must recognize the power dynamics in our own communities too. We invite our members to reflect on and recognize their own privilege and to create space for others to shine.
We have a community mindset.
Despite our diverse identities and experiences, we have a common goal to dismantle patriarchal, colonial, racist, cis, hetero, and abelist systems. We show up knowing that our liberation is always intertwined. We believe that the ‘thousand’ is stronger than the ‘one’.
We take care.
We acknowledge that we are living through challenging times, with some of us being more impacted than others. And so, we take care of ourselves and each other. We listen, and we make space. With patience and trust, we commit to practicing care and centering healing in our shared spaces.